SJCResearch Consultancy

Historical Research

We provide a research serviced tailoured to you needs.  We can  carry out research anywhere in Scotland, based on your requirements.  Typical projects can range from the history of individual properties, local areas
or specific industries within a village or town.    We can provide services from half a day through to long term projects.

Recent research work has included tracing the ownership of a local Paisley firm  over the last 200 years.

Genealogy Research

We specialise in researching family histories in the West of Scotland

Although genealogy is seen as a hobbie for most people, genealogy/ family history are very much tied into the local history of towns and villages accross Scotland.     As genealogical service we can research owners of
companies and explore larger family connections among other firms.   

Recent Work

Recently we under took a project for Renfrewshire Council, carrying out initial research on 6 people from Paisley’s past looking at their family history, where their businesses were based and provided a report on further possible investigations
that could be carried out.

Public Engagement

Bringing Heritage to the Public through interesting activities

Recent projects have included Public Consutations for a local Heritage Lottery Project, where we held local consultations on what the people though was important historical events in their area.  Other recent work has inlcuded
the curating of a travelling exhibition, school & carehome outreach work using specially created object handling kits and activities such as embroidery.

Find out more in Case Studies

Case Studies

Discover a few of our recent projects 

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